Head of the OEM Research Group
Professor of Physics
I founded the OEM research group in 1988 after finishing my PhD at the University of London. My aim for the group is to undertake applied interdisciplinary research focuse on the photophysics of organic light emitting materials with application in OLEDs and solid state lighting. We specialise in time resolved laser spectroscopy, device fabrication and characterisation, and developing new spectroscopic tools to gain even deeper insight into the photophysics of OLED materials. Within the research group this means that most aspects of photophysics are actively being studied and so there exists an excellent environment to work together, solve problems and develop ideas. There is always time to try new ideas and people around to ask questions of. We work very closely with many chemistry groups and Companies to help them develop new materials to improve device performance. Currently we are especially focused on developing hyperfluorescent blue emitting systems for QD OLED displays and building ever deeper understanding of triplet exciton physics and energy transfer processes.
Personally I am fully committed to research. When time allows you will find me in my lab coat pottering around the lab, doing some spectroscopy or building a new laser system. I love problem solving and trouble shooting our experiments. Although these days I spend a great deal of time working with our industrial partners and collaborators around the world.
When not at work I indulge in my passion for hifi and music, mostly 20th and 21st century classical music, jazz and rock with a large collection of CDs and 24-bit hi-res downloads from composers most people have never heard off, as well as the more mainstream. As my neighbour is the Sage Concert Hall it is also easy to pop along to many more concerts, and I’m discovering little Jazz venues in Newcastle. I am also a keen photographer, especial using artificial light and of our lab equipment, many you can see around the web site. Now that we live in the Centre of Newcastle on the Quayside I have great opportunities to do this much more often.
I am also now an honoury Brazilian from Florianopolis in Santa Caterina, my wive’s home City. We go home to Floripa as much as we can as it is the perfect environment to live, enjoying miles of beaches, the vibrant City and enjoying the best sea food and South American wines with all our friends their. A true paradice. And I get to work at UFSC, the Univerisdada Federal de Santa Catarina, with my great friend and colleague Prof Ivan Bechtold.