Room 61
A very special measurement technique devised in the OEM group first by Dr Carsten Rothe and further evolved by Dr Fernando Dias is the absolute measurement of the singlet triplet exciton production ratio from charge recombination in a working OLED. This techniques requires simultaneous optical and electrical measurement of both singlet and triplet populations in the device made as a function of temperature. It also requires the absolute ISC rate as measured using femtosecond ground state recovery. This measurement is unique to Durham and provides the most powerful way to elucidate the photophysics of an OLED.
ESKMA SL312 Nd:YAG laser (150 ps) home biult single pass dye laser
Crystallaser monolithic sub ns Nd:YAG 355 nm laser, 400 nm, 700 nm, 850 nm diode lasers (high stability)
Stanford computer optics 4Picos gated intensified CCD camera (200 ps) Jobin Yvon Triax 190 spectrograph
1 GHz Agilent Infinium oscilloscope and custom Femto detectors and amplifiers
HP 8114A pulse generator (bidiresctional up grade)
Cryophysics displex helium cryostat (10K)