Optical Probes 2013


The 10th Optical Probes of Conjugated Polymers and organic Nanostructures Conference was hosted in Durham between 14th to 19th July 2013. The Conference web site can be found at www.dur.ac.uk/opticalprobes.2013 with all the details about the meeting. 110 scientists from around the world attended this 10th anniversary meeting. All had a very enjoyable week in the summer sun in Durhm.

Optical Probes Conference now over and life returning to normal. Many thanks to all who attended and made the Conference a great 'spectroscopic week of science'. 

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Andy gives the after Banquet speach and passes the Conference on to Prof kam-Sing Wong in Hong Kong.

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Fernando and Andy with Prof Berberen-Santos at the Rogerly Fluospar mine in Stanhope during the Conference

© OEM 2012