OLED fabrication and test

Wolfson Organic devices clean room, room 151-156


Device fabrication facilities

Our dedicated clean room for the fabrication of organic optoelectronic devices was funded by a grant from the Wolfson Foundation. The basic clean room is class 5,000 and houses a general working area for device preparation including a class 100 chemiwet station for aqueous film spinning. The clean room houses our main Lesker Superspectros 200 OLED deposition and encapsulation system and our existing spectros OLED tool and MBraun Glove Box with a Suss spinner and encapsulation station. These state of the art facilities allow us to fabricate high quality multilayer and multicomponent small molecule and polymer OLED devices entirely in a controlled glove box environment. Within the clean room we also have interferometic thickness measurement systems and microscopic inspection. We also have a full OLED test facility including lifetime testing in our main glove box.

Test Facilities

Our testing facilities for the devices we construct are benchmarked with CDT and Merck and include a 10 inch integrating sphere, Keithley source volt meter and HP high current source with ocean optics CCD detector, this is fully computer controlled for calculation of external efficiency, luminance efficiency and candela per amp. Using a Prometic 1460 tri-stimulus CCD camera large area devices can be characterised for CRI and luminance efficiency in one measurement. We use this to map the homogeniety of such devices. Small scale 6” integrating sphere andlife testing can also be undertaken inside the main glovebox of the Superspectros system..

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Class 5000 clean room for PLED fabrication (class 100 chemi-wet station)

Kurt Lesker SuperSpectros 200 OLED evaporator system, 10 organic, 3 inorganic sources, load lock system, twin wedges

Olympus optical microscope and white light interference thickness measurement

Jelight UVU ozone cleaner Shel Lab vacuum oven Femto oxygen plasma cleaner

MBraum 4 glove 200 glove box, UV encapsulation and robotic encapsulation Lesker port for

Kurt Lesker ‘Spectros’ OLED evaporator system, 6 organic, 3 inorganic sources

Device test rigs, Intensity vs. Voltage vs. emission, Keithley Instruments 2400 and 2000 

Ocean optics CCD camera

Agilant 1kW stabalised power supply

Photometrix tristimulus 4150 CCD camera and radiometric software

© OEM 2012